Advantages And Disadvantages Of Becoming A US Citizen

Becoming a US citizen is a major decision. You’ll want to approach this process in a very thoughtful manner – carefully weighing out the pros and cons. While there are many advantages that come with US citizenship, you really need to step back and take a look at the big picture before you move forward. That being said, US citizenship is almost always the best option if you’re planning on living in the United States long term.
If you’re ready to move ahead with your plan to become a US citizen, you need to get in touch with a qualified, experienced immigration attorney as soon as possible. These legal professionals can assess your unique situation during a consultation before recommending the best possible way forward. They can help you explore a number of potential routes to citizenship that you might not have considered previously, and they can help you gain citizenship as fast as possible. It’s best to book your consultation right away for top results.
Advantages of Citizenship
Let’s start with the advantages of gaining US citizenship, of which there are many:
- You Cannot be Deported: As a US citizen, you cannot be deported. If you commit a crime, you will simply go to jail or prison within the United States without being deported.
- Voting Rights: Your US citizenship gives you the ability to vote and control the future of the nation. Without it, you are simply along for the ride.
- Easy Travel: A new US passport and citizenship card allows you to travel in and out of the United States without any issues. You won’t have to worry about returning after a set period of time.
- New Rights and Benefits: As a US citizen, you will be protected by a strong legal system, employment laws, civil rights laws, and much more. You will also have the ability to run for office and apply for government jobs.
- Bring Your Family Members: Your US citizenship makes it easier to bring your family members to the country.
- Escape Military Service: Unlike many other nations, the US does not have mandatory military service. There is always the possibility of a draft, however.
Disadvantages of Citizenship
With all that being said, there are a few potential disadvantages you might want to consider (2):
- Tax Issues: After becoming a US citizen, you are required to pay tax to the IRS regardless of where the income was earned. This is a completely different system than almost every other country, which taxes based on residence – not citizenship.
- New Responsibilities: As a US citizen, you will have certain responsibilities, such as jury duty.
- You May Need to Renounce Your Prior Citizenship: Last but not least, you might have to renounce your prior citizenship. Many nations do not allow dual citizenship (2).
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
For help from a skilled Palm Beach County immigration attorney, contact the Devore Law Group. With our assistance, you can strive for the best possible results in a highly efficient manner. We know that making the decision to pursue citizenship isn’t always easy, but it’s safe to say that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages – especially if you want to settle with your family in the States for the foreseeable future. Book your consultation today to get started with an effective action plan.