Can You Apply For A Green Card If You’ve Been Abused By Your Children?

Family life is often difficult – but could domestic abuse pave the way for a new green card? You might find the answer quite surprising. As it turns out, one of the most obscure and barely known green card types have been specifically set aside for parents who have been abused by their children. Although this might sound like some kind of strange parody, it is 100% real and has resulted in some migrants getting green cards. But is this really the right strategy for you?
The only way to answer that question is to get in touch with a qualified, experienced immigration attorney in Palm Beach County. With help from one of these legal professionals, you can ask as many questions as you like about the immigration process in the United States. You can also determine the best route towards a green card and citizenship. Although there are many ways to settle in the United States legally, only a one-one-consultation will provide you with information that is catered to your unique needs. Internet research, on the other hand, will only get you so far.
How to Get a Green Card if You Have Been Abused by Your Children
Yes – it is possible to get a green card if you have been abused by your own children. However, this rule only applies if you have citizen children. However, the odds of actually receiving a green card through this strategy are very low. In 2018, over 1000 people applied for this benefit and less than 50 were approved.
This benefit only really applies in very specific situations. Most children of green card applicants are more than happy to file a petition on their behalf, and this strategy often results in approval. Parents who seek this strange abuse-related benefit are usually estranged from their children, which means that they can no longer rely on a petition from their offspring.
Fraud is a serious concern with this benefit. In addition, the alleged abuse must have occurred within the United States in order for the petition to be valid. The truth is that most people who are approved for these green cards are illegal aliens, and it is incredibly unlikely to be approved if you seek a green card using this method.
In fact, your chances of being approved are actually much higher if you simply neglect to mention the fact that your children are abusing you. For children who petition for the admission of their parents, the immigration authorities almost always answer favorably.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Palm Beach County immigration attorney, look no further than Devore Law Group. With our guidance, you can pursue a green card in the most efficient and confident manner possible. We know that the immigration process can seem daunting at times, but you should know that you’re not alone in this fight. There are many ways to settle in the United States, and your new home is closer than you think. Book your consultation today to get started with an effective action plan.