How Could The Outcome Of The Midterms Affect Immigration In The United States?

As the United States prepares for the midterms, many are wondering how the outcome might affect immigration policy across the nation. It is no secret that both parties have very different ideas when it comes to immigration, and the victory of one party over the other could drastically change the way borders and migrants are policed. If you’re hoping to settle in the United States, it may be helpful to assess how the outcome of the midterms could change the way you approach the immigration process in the near future.
Both Sides Want Greater Border Security
While border security is typically associated with Republicans, a recent poll has shown that the majority of Democrats think this is important as well. This might surprise some people, but the data shows that more than half of Democrats feel our borders should be more secure. Republicans tend to go a few steps further however, and some want individual states to have the ability to create their own border walls.
Democrats Want a Path to Citizenship
The main difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is the idea of a “path to citizenship.” Data shows that almost 90% of Democrats feel that the government should be focusing on providing this to migrants, while under 40% of Republicans feel the same way. Within the general scope of a “path to citizenship,” most Democrats are concerned about a number of key issues, including:
- The right to seek asylum
- The unification of families
- The continuation of DACA
The Current Democratic Regime is Quite Moderate When it Comes to Immigration
Although the current regime is much more supportive of immigration than the previous regime, their policy is actually quite moderate. Some have pointed out that the Biden administration has failed to reverse many of the anti-immigration policies put in place by Trump. They have also shown that they do not hesitate to target criminal migrants, deporting them if necessary.
Watch the Border States
If you are concerned about the future of America’s immigration policy, keep a close eye on the border states. If Republican governors win their races in these key states, we could see a move away from federal authority, with these governors taking border security into their own hands and preventing the free flow of migrants that we have seen in the past.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Immigration Attorney?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Palm Beach County immigration attorney, book a consultation with Devore Law Group at your earliest convenience. We know that approaching the immigration process can often feel a little confusing – especially when there’s so much uncertainty surrounding elections and various political parties. With our help, you can approach your immigration process with a measure of confidence and efficiency – regardless of which political party happens to be in power. Book your consultation today to get started.