How Easy Is It To Emigrate From Canada To The United States?

Canada and the United States are some of the closest allies in the world, sharing the longest international border on the planet and a range of cultural values. People freely move across this border on any given day for a range of reasons, including shopping, business, tourism, and much more. Many Canadian and US citizens hold dual citizenship, with family on both sides of the border. But how easy is it to emigrate to the United States if you’re a Canadian citizen?
If you find yourself in this situation, it makes sense to get in touch with a qualified, experienced immigration attorney as soon as possible. These legal professionals can help you strive for the best possible results in a highly efficient manner. During your consultation, your attorney can listen closely to your unique situation and recommend the best possible strategy. From there, you can approach US citizenship with a sense of confidence.
Canadians Don’t Get Any Special Treatment
Despite their cultural similarities to the United States, Canadians don’t get any special treatment when approaching the immigration process. At the end of the day, Canada is viewed in the same light as any other nation by immigration officials, and Canadians officially have exactly the same chance of getting a green card as Mexicans, Nigerians, or South Koreans.
The TN Visa
That said, Canadians do have one advantage over other immigrants because they can pursue a TN Visa. Also known as a nonimmigrant NAFTA professional visa, the TN visa is available only to citizens of Canada and Mexico. This visa allows professionals to work in the United States as long as the business activities are prearranged ahead of time. Note that this visa is only available to citizens of Canada or Mexico – not permanent residents. So why is the TN visa so great? Many people say that it is easier to obtain than the H1B Visa – which is essentially the exact same visa for all other countries outside of Mexico and Canada.
Other Considerations
There are other factors to keep in mind if you’re a Canadian seeking citizenship in the United States. Firstly, the cultural similarities between these two nations does play a subtle role in your immigration process, as US officials are more likely to accept people who can adapt well to American society. There are few people more ideal in this context than Canadians. Secondly, the FBI can easily communicate with the RCMP to perform background checks and request other information. This level of communication can be lacking with other countries.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney
For help from a Palm Beach County immigration lawyer, look no further than Devore Law Group. Over the years, we have assisted numerous immigrants throughout the world, and we know that there are many Canadians who wish to settle in the United States. With our help, you can make this dream a reality with a targeted, effective legal strategy. Book your consultation today to get started.