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Palm Beach County Immigration Attorney LawPay
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Palm Beach County Immigration Bond Hearing Attorney

Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) may arrest and detain people they suspect are guilty of entering the country illegally, overstaying their visa or committing a deportable offense. Once ICE has initiated deportation or removal proceedings, it becomes vital for the potential deportee to retain an attorney and prepare a defense to the charges. This can be exceedingly difficult, however, if the individual remains locked up in a detention facility and held in ICE custody until the deportation hearing. The Palm Beach County immigration bond hearing attorneys at the Devore Law Group, P.A. can help you obtain a release while your removal is pending, so that you can spend time with your family and prepare your defense.

How bond hearings work

A bond hearing will determine whether you are entitled to be released into the community while your removal is pending, and it will dictate what the terms of your release are. For instance, you can be released on your recognizance without having to put up any bond at all. You could also be released without having to pay a bond but under supervision or other special conditions. You could also be released on the condition that you pay a bond, which is a sum of money meant to guarantee you will appear for your court hearing. If you miss the hearing or other scheduled court dates, the amount of money you (or someone on your behalf) put up for the bond is forfeit. If you meet the conditions of the bond, you get your money back at the end of the proceeding.

Finally, another option is that you may be detained and not allowed to post bond, which means you will not be released from detention before your deportation hearing.

The USCIS district office makes the initial custody determination to retain or release, either with no bond/OR, under supervision or special conditions, detain and bond, or no bond or release. If the decision is unfavorable, you can obtain a review of the ICE decision with an immigration judge in a bond redetermination hearing. The immigration court can lower, raise or maintain the bond as set by USCIS, so it is important to carefully consider the consequences before requesting a redetermination hearing. You can also request reconsideration with the court or appeal the decision to the Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA).

There are many factors to consider when appealing the initial custody determination, since subsequent decisions may be more or less favorable than the initial determination. The immigration specialists at the Devore Law Group provide expert advice and representation at all stages of bond hearings and appeals. You’ll be informed so you can make an intelligent decision about how to proceed, and you’ll receive high-quality representation toward achieving an excellent result.

Bond eligibility and mandatory detention

Bonds are not allowed in certain situations; where bonds are discretionary, certain factors may weigh for or against a bond being authorized in your case. The Devore Law Group immigration attorneys work with these factors to present your case in the best light for release from ICE detention under favorable conditions. These factors include:

  • Cannot be considered a flight risk or a danger to the community (mandatory detention)
  • No prior convictions
  • No history of missing court dates
  • Not currently under a deportation order
  • Local family ties
  • Ties to the community
  • Currently employed

Devore Law Group will prepare and present your case at an initial bond hearing and any subsequent appeals. Our goal is to obtain your release from custody so you can be with your family and assist in your defense while we prepare a strong defense against deportation and removal. We’ll work to obtain that release with no bond or a bond that is affordable and does not contain onerous conditions.

Help with Immigration Detention Bond Hearings in Palm Beach County

If you or a loved one has been detained in ICE custody, contact the immigration law specialists at the Devore Law Group, P.A. in Palm Beach Gardens at 561-478-5353. We’ll work right away to obtain release from detention as quickly and favorably as possible.

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