Visas for Victims of Human Trafficking in Florida

Human trafficking is on the rise in the United States, and numerous migrants tell shocking stories of their abuse at the hands of criminals. So-called “coyotes” and cartel affiliates engage heavily in human trafficking, often causing irrevocable harm to entire families. If you have been victimized by human traffickers, you may struggle with a lifetime of trauma. However, there may be hope for a new life in the United States. Speak with a Palm Beach County immigration lawyer to see whether you qualify for a special type of visa specifically set aside for victims of human trafficking.
What Is a T Visa?
Also known as “T nonimmigrant status,” the T visa is for people who find themselves in the United States specifically due to human trafficking. For example, someone might have smuggled you into the United States to work without payment (slavery). Alternatively, you might have been taken across the border to engage in prostitution (or some other form of illegal activity) against your will. Note that even if you consented to this sex work, you are still considered a victim of sex trafficking if you were under the age of 18 at the time.
This program was created in 2000 as part of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. While this program was partially influenced by ethical concerns, law enforcement officials also use K visa recipients to aid in investigations. Although you may be allowed to stay in the United States with your K visa, you will also be expected to assist law enforcement with their investigations into human trafficking. You might need to provide them with names, and you may need to recount your experiences. This could be highly traumatic for some people.
Can I Get Permanent Residence After Experiencing Human Trafficking?
Yes, it is possible to get permanent residence if you’re a survivor of human trafficking in the United States. Once you obtain your T visa, you may become eligible for permanent residence if you remain in the United States for three consecutive years.
You might also qualify for permanent residence much sooner than three years. If prosecutors and law enforcement officials finish their investigation into human trafficking, you may immediately become eligible for permanent residence. In other words, there is a strong incentive for you to assist with this investigation as much as possible. If you help the authorities catch the people who abused you, you may be able to live in the United States for the foreseeable future.
This potentially makes a T visa one of the quickest possible routes to permanent residence – and citizenship.
Find an Experienced Immigration Lawyer in Palm Beach County
If you’d like to explore the possibility of a T visa in more detail, consider a consultation with an experienced immigration lawyer in Palm Beach County. With our help, you can strive for positive outcomes and a new life in Florida. While it might seem difficult to recover from your experiences, you should at least take full advantage of the opportunities provided by the US immigration system. Reach out to The Devore Law Group today to pursue a visa with confidence.